

from izzati import Backend, file_return

def pr(form, files):
    print(form) # Print out the dictionary received
    for x in files:'/tmp/test.jpg') # Save the file received
    return {'It': 'Worked'} # Return a dictionary to the frontend

back = Backend(pr)

Frontend - Python

from izzati import Frontend

f = Frontend('http://localhost:5020/')
out = f.send(js={'test': '123'}, f=open('/tmp/test.jpg', 'rb')) # Send a file and a dictionary

Frontend - Java

public void sendMessage(View view) throws JSONException {
    EditText text = (EditText)findViewById(;
    String value = text.getText().toString(); // The JSON data is stored here
                                              // The input parameter can be a JSONObject or a string
    Izzati i = new Izzati();                  // Initialize Izzati
    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(value);
    i.url = "";   // Set in Izzati, the URL
    if (file == null) {
        i.send(obj, new IzzatiJsonHandler() { // If there is no file selected, send JSON and expect JSON back
            public void callback(JSONObject response) {
                System.out.println(response); // Print out the response
    } else {
        i.send(obj, file, new IzzatiJsonHandler() { // If there is a file, simply specify it after the JSON
            public void callback(JSONObject response) {